Study found women spend 6 months of working life deciding what to wear. They spend 17 minutes a day, or four days a year, going through wardrobe. Further 62 per cent of women admitted to irrational tantrums as a result.
It’s a familiar scene for most women: staring at your wardrobe with mounting levels of panic about what to wear.
After rifling through – and rejecting – multiple items, it can seem like an age before you finally decide on an outfit.
So it may not come as a surprise that a study has found women spend almost six months of their working life deciding what to wear.
It means they spend almost 17 minutes a day, or four days a year, going through their wardrobe between 18 and 60.
Worries over what to wear can also cause ‘wardrobe rage’, with 62 per cent of women admitting to irrational tantrums as a result. Even men are not immune, with a third experiencing it – and one in five admitting they have thrown clothes around the room.
The poll of 2,000 men and women by Marks and Spencer found that 15 per cent of adults say outfit drama has often ruined their mood for the rest of the day.
Time spent on clothes choice means one in ten of us regularly arrive late to work, and one in 20 have missed an occasion altogether.
And 21 per cent of women admitted clothing struggles have caused them to row with a partner.
The study also found that although the average Briton’s wardrobe contains 152 items, just 44 per cent are worn regularly.
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