Posing happily for a selfie in a blue crop top and leggings, Simone Anderson oozes body confidence. But rewind to Aug. 29, 2014, and an earlier selfie tells a different story. Having struggled with her weight her entire life, the 25-year-old make-up artist from Auckland, N.Z., had decided that after tipping the scales at 375 pounds, it was time to kiss the quick-fix diets goodbye and overhaul her entire health and fitness regime.
自拍中的Simone Anderson身着蓝色露腹短上衣,穿着紧身裤,全身上下都散发着一种自信。但是,当时间回到2014年的8月29日,一张她早些时候的自拍照告诉我们的却是另一番经历。这个来自奥克兰的25岁理发师师几乎一生都在与她的体重做斗争,当称体重达到了375磅后,终于决定是时候与速效减肥餐说再见了,并且彻底修复她的健康和健身方法。
On Oct. 29, 2014, Simone underwent gastric-sleeve surgery and in less than 12 months had managed to lose an amazing 202 pounds while documenting the entire journey on Instagram.
Since starting the account, Simone has gathered more than 136,000 followers with whom she regularly shares inspiring words of encouragement, alongside health and fitness tips and advice.
But though most of her followers have been supportive of her amazing transformation, some accused Simone of “faking” her weight loss
Simone underwent surgery to remove her excess skin last year.
But as Simone continued to shed the pounds, she was left with excess skin on her slimmed-down frame. Doctors explained that no amount of diet or exercise would remove the excess skin, so in late 2015, she underwent a nine-hour surgery to remove it.
Simone shows off the results of her surgery.
Six days after her surgery, Simone appeared on the lifestyle TV show FABLife to talk about her transformation.
“My body is so, so amazing, I couldn’t be happier,” she said. “I cannot wait for summer. I’ll be fully recovered and definitely be in a bikini.”
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